D4 of 30 Days' ISTQB: The most important static technique--Review

Static test techniques provide a powerful way to improve the quality and productivity of software development.
Review is the most important one of static techniques. All software organizations can use review in all major aspects including requirements, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance.
In summaries, the use of static testing, e.g.review has various advantages:
--Start test early and then get feedback early on quality issues. E.g an early validation of user requirements, not just get it in late life cycle during acceptance testing.
--By detecting defects in early stage, the rework costs will be relatively low, and so the improvement of the quality of software will be relatively cheap.
--Since the rework effort is reduced, the development productivity figures are likely to increase.
--There is an exchange of information between the participants when doing review.
-- Static testing help to make team keep aware of quality issues.

There are six phases in a formal review, as descripted as following:
1, Planning. When an author request for a paritcular review, the review process begins. A moderator is often assigned to take care of the scheduling of the review. They need to make plan for dates, time, place and invitation. For more formal reviews, the moderator always performs an enry check and defines exit criteria.

2, Kick-off. A kick-off meeting is an optional step. During kick-off meeting, the reviewers received a short introduce of the document under review. The goal of the kick-off meeting is to get every body on the same wavelength.

3, Preparation. In this stage, all participants work individually on the document under review, using the related document, rules,procedures and checklist provided.

4, Review meeting. Three main things will be done in the review meeting: logging, discussion, decision.
Logging all the defects, issues which are found in preparation stage , page by page, reviewer by reviewer.
Discuss all the logged tiems.
Make decision on the document under review.

5, Rework. The author will improve the document under review, based the decision made in the reivew meeting.

6, Follow-up. The moderator take the responsibility to make sure that the rework actions are done to improve the document under review.


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