ISTQB definition of software testing

    Let's look at the ISTQB definition of software testing.
    The definition starts with a description of testing as a process and then lists some objectives of the test process.

    First, let's look at testing as a process:

  • Process ----Testing is a process rather than a single activity-there are a series of activities involved.
  • All life cycle activities----Testing takes place throughout the software development life cycle.
  • Both static and dynamic----tests where the software code is executed to demonstrate the results of running tests,often called dynamic testing. tests, reviewing of documents(including source code)and static analysis, are called static testing.
  • Planning----Activities take place before and after test execution to manage the testing.
  • Preparation----To choose what testing we'll do, by selecting test conditons and designing test cases.
  • Evaluation----To check the results and evaluation the software under test and the completion criteria, to decide whether the software product has passed the test.
  • Software products and related work products----We don't just test code.We test the requirements and design specifications and the related documents. Static and dynamic testing are both needed to cover the range of products we need to test.
    The second part of the definition covers the some of the objectives for testing-the reasons why we do it:
  • Determine that(software products)satisfy specified requirements.
  • Demonstrate that(software products)are fit for purpose.
  • Detect defects. 
    This is a suitable definition of testing for any level of testing, from component testing through to acceptance testing.


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