Why is it necessary to have expected results for every test step?

We should better write expected results for every test step when we are designing test cases, why?

Just image: If there is a test case with 15 test steps and one expected result, how would a test executor know which step of the test case failed. So, in order to make it very clear it is important to have expected result designed for every test step.

There are two test cases as following, one has only the final expected results, the other one has results for every step. See the difference:

Test Case ID Test Case Name Scenario Expected Result Complexity
TC_001_01 Check if the user can navigate to "Add New Property" page by clicking "Add New Property " button on "Owners->Properties" page. Step 1: Navigate to the URL http://dev.property.community/ , will go to Login page.
Step 2 : Enter the username as "****@gmail.com" and password as "****" to sign in. 
Step 3 : Click on Owners.
Step 4 : Click on Properties.
Step 5 : Click on Add New Property.
"Add New Property" page should be opened where the user can edit a new property record Simple
TC_001_02 Check if the user can add a new property with valid data on "Add New Property" page. Step 1: Navigate to the URL http://dev.property.community/
Step 2 : Enter the username as "****@gmail.com" and password as "****" to sign in.
Step 3 : Click on "Owners".
Step 4 : Click on "Properties".
Step 5: Click "Add New Property"
Step 6: Enter valid data on the "PROPERTY DETAILS" page and click on Next button.
Step 7: Enter valid data on the "FINANCIAL DETAILS" page and click on Next button.
Step 8: Enter valid data on the "TENANT DETAILS" page and click on Save button.
Step 1: User should be navigated to the login page successfully
Step 2: The Dashboard should be opened.
Step 3: The drop-down menu of "Owners" should be opened.
Step 4:  "Owners>Properties" page should be opened
Step 5: "Add New Property" page should be opened.
Step 6: User should go "FINANCIAL DETAILS" page.
Step 7: User should go "TENANT DETAILS" page.
Step 8: User should go back to "Owners>Properties" page and the new property just added should appear on this page


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